Inspector Standards

CAHPI National Standards of Practice
CSA A770 Home Inspection Standard CAN/CSA-A770-16

National Occupational Standards
Code of Ethics
Note:  To view free download of CSA A770-16 Standard, you are required to create an account for the CSA communities.

Code of Ethics

Integrity, honesty, objectivity and courtesy are fundamental moral principles embodied by this code. The individual members (hereinafter referred to as “members”) of CAHPI agree with and pledge to uphold these principles as the set of ideals guiding member conduct.  This code of ethical conduct for the home inspection profession is accepted and understood to be a professional duty accompanying CAHPI membership.

Members shall comply with this Code in its entirety and shall avoid potential conflicts of interest or activities that compromise or appear to compromise professional independence, objectivity, or inspector integrity. Members shall discharge their duties with fidelity to the public, their clients and fellow-professionals and with fairness and impartiality to all. Members shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession and avoid association with any enterprise of questionable character that would place the member in a potential conflict of interest. 

The members shall always act in good faith toward all.


  1. Members shall avoid conflicts of interest or activities that compromise, or appear to compromise, professional independence, objectivity or inspector integrity.
  2. Members shall not inspect properties for compensation in which they have, or expect to have, a financial or vested interest of any kind.
  3. Members shall promptly and fully disclose to the client any interest in a business that may potentially affect the quality of the inspection work to be performed.
  4. The inspection shall not be used as a vehicle to garner additional work in another field.
  5. Members shall not perform inspections under contingency arrangements whereby any compensation or future referrals are dependent on reported findings or on the future sale of the property.
  6. Members shall not directly or indirectly compensate realty agents, brokers or other parties having a financial vested interest in the closing or settlement of real estate transactions, for the future referral of inspections or for the inclusion on a list of “preferred” providers/inspectors or similar arrangements that may appear to compromise the above mentioned principles.
  7. Members shall not accept compensation, directly or indirectly, from more than one party unless agreed to by all parties involved. 
  8. Members shall not accept compensation, directly or indirectly, for referring or recommending contractors, service providers and/or products to inspection clients or any other party having an interest in the property being inspected.

2. Members shall act in good faith to all.

  1. Members shall only perform inspection services, accompanied with expressed opinions, based on genuine conviction within their limits of education, training and experience.
  2. Members shall always be objective in their reporting and not knowingly overstate or understate the significance of observed conditions.
  3. Members shall not disclose inspection results, property or client information without client approval.
  4. Members shall report/disclose to the occupants, or their agents, any apparent serious defect that creates an imminent potential for harm arising from exposure to the defect.

3. Members shall avoid activities that may harm the public, discredit themselves, or reduce public confidence in the profession or a fellow member.

  1. Members shall refrain from advertising, promoting or marketing of inspector services, designations or qualifications that are fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading.
  2. Members shall make every effort to uphold, maintain and improve the professional integrity, reputation and practices of the home inspection profession.  Members shall report any substantive and willful violations of this code to the Canadian Association of Home & Property Inspectors. 

4. Duty to the profession and Association:

  1. Members shall strive to meet and maintain the ideals and goals of the Association and the home inspection industry.
  2. Members shall refrain from engaging in any act or practice that would be deemed harmful, libelous, or damaging to the Association, Association employees, Association Directors or fellow members.
  3. Members shall abide by the Association’s By-laws, Standards and policy documents.
  4. Members shall display the Association’s trademarks, logos and designations in the approved manner only.

    NOTE: Presentation of this Code of Ethics does not guarantee that the inspector is a member of Canadian Association of Home & Property Inspectors (CAHPI) or working to this Standard. Confirm membership by completing the CAHPI Find a Home Inspector search.

    CAHPI National Code of Ethics -  Effective December 2017
    Copyright 2017 Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors.   All rights reserved.

The Alliance of Canadian Building Officials' Association (ACBOA) and the Canadian Association of Home & Property Inspectors (CAHPI) with the assistance of Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) collaborated to develop national standards for the public and private sectors of the building inspection industry.  The occupational standard describes the skill, knowledge and abilities required to perform the duties as a professional home & property inspection.  The Occupational Standards form the basis for training, curriculum development, career development and the certification of practitioners.  The committee reports are listed below:

CHIBO Questions & Answers
Common Core Competencies
PBO Occupational Standards
CMHC Research Highlights

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